Project 365 Day #183

“Ain’t No Rest for the Wicked” from the album Cage the Elephant, released in 2008

I remember listening to this song alone in the morning before school when I would workout. In fact, I remember listening to this whole album. This one, which became a hit for the band, is almost spoken word. Seriously, I can see Matt Shultz winning a poetry contest with these lyrics alone. The music does, however, positively add to the overall aesthetic.

It’s like Nirvana meets that weird early ott rock sound that hooked so many of us for a few years. Add a dash of funk and BOOM, you get “Ain’t No Rest for the Wicked,” a celebration of and warning about man’s depravity.

See what else I’ve placed on Project 365 here.


Project 365 Day #184


Project 365 Day #182