Project #365 Day #52

“Magic in the Hamptons” by Social House & Lil’ Yachty
“Magic in the Hamptons,” released in 2018
Sometimes a song just hits right and it’s difficult to explain. Though it was released in 2018, I didn’t hear “Magic in the Hamptons” until 2020 during the height of Covid thanks to TikTok.
The world, as best as I could tell, hated quarantine. I loved it. To be fair, I missed a few elements of society — soda fountain drinks were at the top of the list — but overall I enjoyed working from home, taking my dogs for walks, and watching silly TikTok videos.
Thanks to that last activity, “Magic in the Hamptons” became an earworm and I found myself humming or singing it without even thinking. When a song can do that, it’s either really good or really bad.
For me, this one is really good.