Project 365 Day #51

Where? Where even are they?

“Rich Girl” by Hall & Oates

“Rich Girl” from the album Bigger Than Both of Us, released in 1976

My parents listened to Hall & Oates a lot when I was a little boy. I guess living in a trailer park, listening to yacht rock is a good escape. All my cards on the table, I remember rocking out to them as well. But as I aged, I found the sounds and lyrics of most yacht rock to be less than appealing.

Then something happened. I don’t know what it was. My brain fully formed or something I guess, and I rediscovered Hall & Oates and their definitive brand of yacht rock.

You’re going to see more of them on this list. “Rich Girl” is first though because I long to have Daryl Hall’s swagger in this video. That coat! Those glasses! That scarf! Those moves!


See what else I’ve placed on Project 365 here.


Project #365 Day #52


Project 365 Day #50