Project 365 Day #359

“There’s No Place Like Home for the Holidays” from the album An Old Fashioned Christmas, released in 1984

Perry Cuomo may have gifted this song to the world, but for me, on Christmas Day, it’s always going to be Karen Carpenter’s melodious voice that I hear singing.

Seriously, it’s like magic. Like, how is it so perfect? How does it flow so well? How does this song make me want to go back home where I can eat pumpkin pie, open presents, and just hangout doing nothing all day but watching movies and eating?

It’s probably because every time I hear this song, I see the record album and I watch one of my parents placing it on the turntable as we trim a little Christmas tree.

Merry Christmas.

See what else I’ve placed on Project 365 here.


Project 365 Day #360


Project 365 Day #358