Project 365 Day #306

“Baby, It’s Cold Outside” from the album Elf: Music From the Major Motion Picture, released in 2003
We are now at the time of year in which I gush about Christmas music. If you are not a fan, you may want to stop following me. Everyday will be another offering to the Christmas Music Gods. Today’s is “Baby, It’s Cold Outside” as sung by Zooey Deschanel and Leon Redbone.
This song isn’t perfect. I’m fully aware of it’s interpretations, some of which are sordid. Usually I care about such things. I try to keep my finger on the pulse, you know?
For this one though? Sung by these two? I can’t help it. It gets a pass from me because it sounds so Christmasy.
Maybe it’s just that I associate it so much with Elf, one of the best Christmas movies ever.