Project 365 Day #278

“Forever and Ever, Amen” from the album Always & Forever, released in 1987
There aren’t enough good country songs out there in the world. So it is good to know that Randy Travis can be depended on to keep pushing them out. It’s especially pleasing to think that “Forever and Ever, Amen” came out in 1987, a time when new country music (and he was newer back then) was sinking into the quagmire of pop country hell.
That’s not to say that all pop country is terrible. I mean, clearly these artists are doing something right. It’s not my scene. “Forever and Ever, Amen” though is one of the real ones. It’s an honest, unabashed love song the way an honest, unabashed country artist would make it. There are no fancy knobs or whistles.
It’s just good music.