Project 365 Day #248

“Delaney Talks to Statues” from the album Fruitcakes, released in 1996

Another person whose work makes me happy has died, so get ready for a few more Jimmy Buffett songs to appear on this list.

“Delaney Talks to Statues” makes me think of my kids, so this song was going to make this list no matter what. Ultimately though, thinking about death has me realizing the reason I do this, the reason I do anything like this, is so that I am remembered. The people I want to remember me most are my children.

I want them to remember me as a good father, as someone who indulged their weirdness, who made them feel good about who they are, not in spite of their weirdness, but because of it.

This song captures that idea pretty well.

See what else I’ve placed on Project 365 here.


Project 365 Day #249


Project 365 Day #247