Project 365 Day #179

“Doing It All For My Baby” from the album Fore!, released in 1986

Yeah. Another Huey Lewis jam from Fore! I’ll make no apologies. None.

My fondness of this song could have been predicted by the age in which I grew up: the 80s-90s. At that time, music videos were a far bigger deal than they are now. And Huey Lewis and The News knew how to make some banger videos.

“Doing It All For My Baby” is almost eight minutes long, pays tribute to classic monster movies, and has the corny feel of just a bunch of guys having a good time. It’s pure that way. So when I hear this song, I’m also thinking back fondly to one of my favorite music videos.

Thanks Classic MTV.

See what else I’ve placed on Project 365 here.


Project 365 Day #180


Project 365 Day #178