Project 365 Day #132

“Hey Jealousy” from the album New Miserable Experience, released in 1992

This whole album will always hold a special place in my heart. A little lighter than a lot of the music I listened to in the early 90s, Gin Blossom’s popularity with me is an enigma I gave up trying to figure out a long time ago.

But I love this album and this song, probably their most popular, is one of my favorites on it. Written, in part, by Doug Hopkins, their original guitarist who died by suicide in 1993, the song is about his desire to get back with his girlfriend who had left him because of his drinking and cheating. This kind of depressing fair usually isn’t my thing. But hey, what can I say?

Gin Blossoms does it right.

See what else I’ve placed on Project 365 here.


Project 365 Day #133


Project 365 Day #131