Project 365 Day #73

“Killin’ It” by Foxy Shazam

“Killin’ It” from the album Foxy Shazam, released in 2010

Wikipedia classifies Foxy Shazam as glam rock but I don’t see it. Though, to be fair, I am no expert. Either way, their sound doesn’t seem “glam” to me. It has hints of glam but there is something far more experimental to their sound than traditionally heard in glam rock. This isn’t to say glam rock is bad. Glam rock is home to several bangers.

“Killin’ It” isn’t one of them. “Killin’ It,” like so much of Foxy Shazam’s work is more difficult to quantify than that. In many ways, this song reminds me of Queen’s work. Now, there’s another band that could be classified as glam but is really so much more.

Good company.


See what else I’ve placed on Project 365 here.


Project 365 Day #74


Project 365 Day #72