Project 365 Day #24

Super. Group.

“End of the Line” by Traveling Wilburys

“End of the Line” from the album Traveling Wilburys Vol. 1, released in 1988

My dad died last October. It was somewhat sudden. If you’d like to read about that, go here. There is a whole slew of songs that will forever remind me of him. He had an uncanny ability — before the onset of streaming — to get into his car, flip on the radio, and blast out a good song from whatever radio station the dial happened to be turned to.

Oftentimes, one of those songs was by Tom Petty, or featured him, like this one. Traveling Wilburys is a super-band of rock stars your dad likes. Since I’m a dad now, I guess that includes me. “End of the Line” is one of their most popular songs. The popularity is well deserved.

I’ll let the music speak for itself.

See what else I’ve placed on Project 365 here.



Project 365 Day #25


Project 365 Day #23