Project 365 Day #22

Refreshing. Fizzy, fuzzy, big & buzzy.

“Banditos” by The Refreshments

“Banditos” from the album Fizzy Fuzzy Big & Buzzy, released in 1995

Roger Clyne’s songs tend to be upbeat, weird, and lyrically ridiculous all at the same time. “Banditos” is probably his most popular song from his short-lived band, “The Refreshments” and there is good reason for it.

It hits all of the above mentioned notes: upbeat, weird, and lyrically ridiculous. And I appreciate all of this. But I also appreciate the story behind the song. Legend has it, Clyne wrote “Banditos” as a broke college student fantasizing about robbing a Circle K in a sort of Robin Hood-esque scenario. The Jean-Luc Picard reference was thrown in just because Clyne and all of his friends were Star Trek fans at the time.


Laugh. You know you want to. But also, enjoy this song while you do.

See what else I’ve placed on Project 365 here.



Project 365 Day #23


Project 365 Day #21