Project 365 Day #19

Be real. This is scary.

“Sweet Emotion” by Aerosmith

“Sweet Emotion” from the album Toys in the Attic, released in 1975

The mid-to-late1970s were a good time for rock and roll. I’m not sure why. Maybe it was a knee jerk reaction to the rise of disco and punk. Whatever it was, the rock and roll of that era — the kind that your dad listens to — is strong.

Aerosmith’s music is some of the strongest. “Sweet Emotion” is the strongest of the strongest. The lyrics are a ridiculous amalgamation of nonsense based on the fact that the band was basically high all of the time. They reference Joe Perry’s girlfriend, the aforementioned drug use, and — if I understand them right — how difficult it was to be a rock star in the 70s.


But whatever. I love it.

See what else I’ve placed on Project 365 here.



Project 365 Day #20


Project 365 Day #18