Project 365 Day #13

Dramatic. “Stand against the wall, Jace. It’ll be dramatic.” — some photographer, IDK

“Bad Things” by Jace Everett

“Bad Things” from the album Jace Everett, released in 2006

Everyone heard this song a few years ago when True Blood was HBO’s biggest hit. Remember that show? It was basically soft-core vampire porn with a lot of violence and soap opera level melodrama. Come on. Admit it. We all watched it.

Anyway, Jace Everett’s rockabilly hit is one of my favorite songs because it is everything that is right about rockabilly. It’s dangerous, but not too dangerous. It’s scary, but not too scary. It’s possessed of a smooth sound that also has a few jagged edges that keep your ears intrigued. Go on. Give it a listen.

It’s better than True Blood.

fr fr

See what else I’ve placed on Project 365 here.


Project 365 Day #14


Project 365 Day #12