Project 365 Day #8

Glam. Metal.

“Kiss Me Deadly” by Lita Ford

“Kiss Me Deadly” from the album Lita, released in 1988

I was ten when Lita Ford released “Kiss Me Deadly” and I cannot remember much about it, other than the fact that I really liked the music video. At the time, I wasn’t sure why. Watching the video today, I am.

According to Wikipedia, this song can be classified as “glam metal” and I guess that’s right. This genre played a big part in my life as I left my childhood and strong-armed my way into my teens, so you’re probably going to see a few more of these bangers.

And make no mistake, I like “Kiss Me Deadly” not simply because the woman who sings it is one of my earliest crushes, but also because it is a straight banger.

See what else I’ve placed on Project 365 here.


Project 365 Day #9


Project 365 Day #7