Meditation Essays

Something for the kids.

Meditation: Chill. Just write.

“The Meditation” is a subgenre of the modern personal essay. It is typically 500–1000 words. Below you will see explanations and examples of three different types.

  1. Question & Answer: A question is posed and then answered in the form of an essay. Topics can include but are not limited to: What is my reason for being alive? Is there a God? If so, what does God do? What’s the deal with guns in America? How is racism developed and perpetuated? Etc.
  2. Idea/Emotion & Its Symbols: An examination of an idea or an emotion that uses objects to refer to that idea or emotion. Topics can include but are not limited to: happiness and its symbols, sadness and its symbols, death and its symbols, war and its symbols, jealousy and its symbols, etc.
  3. Objects, Animals, Nature, Art, Events, & Their Meanings: An examination of an idea or an emotion that uses objects to refer to that idea or emotion. Topics can include but are not limited to: a work of art, a play, a piece of music, a book, story, poem, a friend, a pet, the forest, a major life event such as the death of a friend, a bout with disease, a marriage, graduation, etc, a photograph, etc.

Question & Answer Example

All of This is Because of Art (856 words) — the question being, “Why do I enjoy art?”

Idea/Emotion & Its Symbols

I Thought I was in Hell (1193 words)

Objects, Animals, Nature, Art, Events, & Their Meanings

Jacob Marley was Dead (1078 words)


It has been a year


There are things no one tells you