The battle rages

Good Morning. So. Much. Medicine.

The Recovery Chronicles #14

Oh, you thought I was done, did you? You thought the struggle was over because I came to terms with the fact that life is short, that we all die alone, and that we are responsible for finding our own meaning not some celestial messiah with a big beard and deep, penetrating eyes?

Wait. You didn’t get that from all of my “Recovery Chronicles” posts? Read between the lines, folks.


This will be my last post for awhile as I have several fish in the fryer, much on my plate, and miles to go before I sleep.

I will leave you with this thought:

Like everyone else, my battle rages. You will not see it. It will not have the impact of the imagery of hospital beds and chest scars. But know that it is still happening, though 2020 has run away to torment others, there are battles being fought.

Recognize this and though it pains me to use this cliche, be kind.


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Jacob Marly was dead